La boîte à outils pour la réconciliation au travail (en anglais seulement)

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An in-depth course to guide organizations on the planning and implementation of reconciliation plans, like a strategic plan.  Start with a review of your organizational progress to date with a baseline audit, and work through the minimum actions for reconciliation across the organization, then dig into the unique work only your organization can do for reconciliation – your value-add.  

Learners will complete the Foundational Skills, with individual exercises to be completed before a team exercise in almost every lesson. Please download and print out the participant workbook, click to download.

Foundational Skills

  • Introduction to the course
  • What is a reconciliation journey in your organization?
  • Overview of Prosci change management
  • [optional] Are you struggling with too much change in the workplace?
  • Strengthen anti-racism and inclusion for Indigenous employees
  • Learn more about Indigenous organizations in your sector
  • Build relationships with Indigenous partners
  • Apply an Indigenous lens to programs/services

The second section is a collection of lessons for specific roles in the organization. If you see your role here, please complete the lesson. Others are welcome to review as many of these lessons as they choose. The final lesson in this section will be completed by all learners.

  • Reconciliation Team
  • HR and hiring managers
  • Corporate, administration and financial management
  • Funding officers
  • Leaders
  • FOR ALL TO COMPLETE: The Reconciliation Journey Workplan

Please plan to spend 1 to 2 hours working through each lesson on your own time, and most lessons include individual exercises. Then get together in your teams to review that lesson’s content and associated team exercise(s), about 1 to 2 hours each.

The final product of this course are draft workplans completed by every team, to be coordinated into an organizational reconciliation plan.

Gulul’cheesh to a number of individuals who inputted into the years-long iterative development of this course with discussions over tea, critique and support: Jonathan Paradis, Destine Lord, Ginger Gosnell Myers, Andrea Reimer, Ian Culbert and Nicole Fourner-Sylvester. The development of this online course was funded by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, with special thanks to the Indigenous Team: Hillary Martin, Talia Pfefferle, Shaleen Gonsalves and Nadine Dunk.

Participant Workbook.  Click to download.