Serving Inuit Clients with Excellence


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Your front-line customer service is about your communication, your ability to work across cultures, and your choice to serve Inuit with excellence. This is a two-hour online short course to learn more about Inuit within the larger group of Indigenous peoples, an introduction to culture in the workplace, and some ideas on how to serve Inuit with excellence in retail and hotel sectors. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion.

This course is developed upon request for the Government of Nunavut, originally for staff at Nunavut’s covid isolation hub hotels in the south.

Time to complete: 2 hours


  • Short introduction to Indigenous Canada: Words Matter, This is not an anthropology lesson, First Nations, Métis, Indigenous peoples living in urban centres
  • More about Inuit and Nunavut
  • Introduction to working across cultures, Cultures and speed and silence, Cultures and trust, Cultures and decision-making, Giving negative feedback, Disagreeing
  • Best practices in serving Inuit clients with excellence
  • Summary
  • Quiz


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Serving Inuit Clients with Excellence