Indigenous Cultural Competence & Humility / La compétence et l’humilité culturelles dans les relations avec les Autochtones

(8 customer reviews)


Learners will build knowledge on the acceptable terms related to Indigenous peoples, and some similarities and differences between First Nations, Métis and Inuit. This online course will provide the historical […]

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Available for individual OR click here for group purchase with bulk discounts.

Based on the highly successful in-person Indigenous Cultural Competence course, learners will build knowledge on the acceptable terms related to Indigenous peoples, and some similarities and differences between First Nations, Métis and Inuit. This online course will provide the historical context that underpins some of today’s continuing tensions about land in Canada. Learners will deepen cultural competence to build effective relationships with Indigenous co-workers clients, what racism against Indigenous peoples looks like today and how to challenge it. Finally, learners will spend some time considering how to contribute to reconciliation both personally and professionally in Canada.

Estimated time to complete online: 10 hours including homework.

Course Overview:

  • Indigenous Canada: terminology, strengths and challenges facing Indigenous peoples, how to answer the question “where are you from?”, how to do an effective land acknowledgement
  • Cultural Competence and Humility:  building awareness of your own culture, how culture infuses communication and conflict, and how to build safe spaces for people from other cultures in your workplace
  • History Matters: Canada’s hidden history of relationship with Indigenous peoples, and potential long-term impacts of colonial policies of racism, and overview of intergenerational trauma and healing
  • Challenging Racism: how to name and challenge racism against Indigenous peoples, what is unconscious bias and how to reduce it
  • Reconciliation the next steps: opportunities to contribute to reconciliation professionally and personally
  • OPTIONAL 7Week Challenge with a topic per week with additional readings, podcasts and video for the next steps in your learning journey.
    • Week 1: More about History
    • Week 2: Intro to Indigenous Knowledge Systems
    • Week 3: Balance through Indigenous humour and the arts
    • Week 4:  Indigenous Today in the news
    • Week 5: Get to know some Indigenous Heroes
    • Week 6: Learn more about the backgrounds of the Conflicts today
    • Week 7: Indigenous Futures and visionaries

Achat pour une seule personne OU cliquez ici pour un groupe avec des remises en gros.

Ce cours est fondé sur la très populaire formation donnée en personne sur la compétence culturelle autochtone. Les apprenants acquerront des connaissances sur les termes acceptables relatifs aux peuples autochtones, sur le contexte historique qui a donné naissance aux pensionnats autochtones et aux tombes anonymes, sur l’application de la compétence culturelle pour des relations efficaces avec les collègues et les clients autochtones, et sur la manière de dénoncer le racisme. Les apprenants auront ensuite l’occasion de réfléchir aux façons dont ils peuvent contribuer à la réconciliation au Canada, sur les plans personnel et professionnel. À la fin, ils recevront un certificat de réussite du cours.

Durée prévue du cours en ligne: 10 heures, devoirs compris.

Aperçu du cours :

  • Les Autochtones du Canada : la terminologie, les forces des peuples autochtones et les défis auxquels ils sont confrontés, comment répondre à la question « d’où venez-vous? » et comment faire une reconnaissance efficace du territoire.
  • Compétence culturelle : la prise de conscience de sa propre culture, comment la culture influence la façon de communiquer et d’aborder les conflits, et comment créer des espaces sûrs dans le lieu de travail pour les personnes d’autres cultures.
  • L’histoire cachée du Canada : l’histoire cachée des relations entre le Canada et les peuples autochtones, les répercussions potentielles à long terme des politiques coloniales de racisme, et un aperçu des traumatismes intergénérationnels et de la guérison.
  • Dénoncer le racisme : comment reconnaître et dénoncer le racisme à l’égard des peuples autochtones, et que sont les préjugés inconscients et comment s’en défaire
  • Réconciliation – Les prochaines étapes : les possibilités de contribuer à la réconciliation sur les plans personnel et professionnel.
  • Défi optionnel de 7 semaines avec un sujet par semaine, des lectures supplémentaires, des podcasts et des vidéos pour les prochaines étapes de votre parcours d’apprentissage (en anglais seulement)

8 reviews for Indigenous Cultural Competence & Humility / La compétence et l’humilité culturelles dans les relations avec les Autochtones


    The wealth of knowledge provided in this course was rich and textured with relevant examples, beautiful anecdotes, and great explanations. The mixed content format made it easier to follow and connect to other examples/cases. This course was triggered an awareness-raising of issues affecting Indigenous communities in Canada, drawing practical connections with larger- and smaller-picture frames. This course was a well constructed introduction of the topic of Indigenous Canadians, although it is not where the work stops!

  2. Sarah Johnston

    As someone who has been reading books, listening to podcasts, watching films and interviews, etc, on this topic – I found this course to be very necessary. There was a lot of new information to absorb that I hadn’t come across yet. I especially appreciated the section that discussed how to confront racist comments and actions in a way that won’t make the other party defensive, and make them more likely to engage in a meaningful conversation with you. That’s definitely something I will be practicing.

  3. Bradlee Zrudlo

    I absolutely loved this course. I feel so empowered to make a difference with my new knowledge and to continue my learning journey with humility. I highly recommend that employers purchase this for their employees. I was so motivated to keep progressing from section to section because it was so well done and so enlightening. Thank you so much Rose and the IRG, well done!!

  4. Alex Bracanovich

    This course educated me on the correct terminology to use. Competence and humility, how to approach sensitive situations with tactfulness, the section on challenging racism was also extremely interesting, specifically the mock conversations with uninformed people/coworkers being racist. These activities aid in becoming an ally through support of Indigenous people and combating racism at every level of society. The section on reconciliation shows ways to contribute to the restructuring of the flawed system created under the control of institutional racism. True reconciliation is something that I believe everyone should be more involved in.

  5. Marla Kailly

    This is a thoughtfully designed course that takes you from knowledge to action and challenges you along the way to do some of your own research and reflection. Current and very relevant sources are worked into each subject area, plus additional material is provided for you to take away and allows you to keep learning: at your workplace, and in your personal life with your circle of friends and family. There are also concrete steps offered to help you move into action with reconciliation and be a true ally. I highly recommend taking this course!

  6. Judith Slivinski

    I am thrilled to be given the opportunity to complete this course, and also very much look forward to completing the 7Week Challenge as well. I resonate with the assertion that “cultural safety is built in relationship and practiced in real life,” and have been practicing for 30 years in relationship with my Indigenous brothers and sisters, and realize every day how much I do not know. I am indebted to all who have and will continue to teach me.

  7. Danielle Bishof

    This course was fantastic – I would highly recommend all Canadians complete this course!! It was eye-opening, engaging and interactive with very effective use of multimedia. The course really emphasized the history of colonization, the importance of Indigenous cultural safety and outlined tangible steps towards challenging racism and reconciliation. I’m looking forward to completing the 7 week challenge!

  8. Rashi Khare

    As a prior healthcare practitioner and current change agent within the Canadian healthcare system, it is my strong opinion that this course, or at the very least select modules, should be mandatory training for anyone working within healthcare. We all come into contact with people from cultures outside of ours in our everyday lives. The difference in healthcare is that we do this at people’s most vulnerable moments. How we react, treat, and care is of greatest importance during this vulnerable time and highly impacted by our level of understanding and empathy. This course helps us on that journey.

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Indigenous Cultural Competence & Humility / La compétence et l’humilité culturelles dans les relations avec les Autochtones