- Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls To Action
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Understanding and implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples: an introductory handbook
- Reconciliation: a work in progress
- From truth to reconciliation: transforming the legacy of residential schools
- Response, responsibility and renewal: Canada's reconciliation journey
- How did we get here? A concise, unvarnished account of the history of the relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canada
- Royal Proclamation, 1763
- Indian Act and related laws, 1876-1975
- The Indian Pass system: illegal confinement of 'rebel Indians'
- Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 1991
- Decolonization and healing: Indigenous experiences in the United States, New Zealand, Australia and Greenland
- The Inuit Way: guide to Inuit Culture
- Sacred Ways of Life: traditional knowledge
- The Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory: are we ready to partner?
- All our Relations: The Massey Lectures 2018
- Working in Good Ways: a framework for Indigenous Community Engagement
- Ethical Space of Engagement
- Employee competencies for reconciliation
- Guidelines for Working with Inuit Elders
- Inclusion/Exclusion Inventory of Privilege in Canada
- In plain sight: Addressing Indigenous-specific racism and discrimination in BC healthcare
- First Peoples, second class treatment: the role of racism in the health and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples in Canada
- A journey we walk together: strengthening Indigenous cultural competency in health organizations
- Building a culturally respectful health and social services system
- Cultural Safety and Humility Standard
- A guide to developing a culturally competent organization
- Articles coming soon